
Dál nAraidi

  • Dál nAraidi, Dál Araide
  • kingdoms
  • (peoples and polities)
A kingdom of the Cruithni in north-east Ulster.

See also: Áed Dub mac Suibni
Áed Dub mac Suibni
(d. 588)
A king of Dál nAraide (563-588) who became chiefly known for slaying Díarmait mac Cerbaill, the Uí Néill king of Tara. The deed is depicted in Aided Díarmata meic Cerbaill.

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Conall Cernach
Conall Cernach
(time-frame ass. with Ulster Cycle)
Warrior of the Ulaid in the Ulster Cycle; son of Amergin and Findchóem. In Irish genealogies, he is presented as an ancestor of the kings of the Dál nAraidi and the Uí Echach Coba.

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Cruithni / Cruthin

The name given to early medieval peoples in modern-day Co. Antrim and western parts of Co. Down, of which the kingdoms of the Dál nAraidi and the Uí Echach Cobo are the best known represetatives. The name is viewed as a cognate of Britt. *Priteni (> W. Prydyn). The fact that the same name was sometimes used to describe population groups in Scotland that are described elsewhere as Picts has led to much speculation and even to confusion that the Cruithni in Ireland were Picts themselves.

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Fíachna mac Báetáin
Fíachna mac Báetáin
(fl. early 7th century, d. 626)
King of Dál nAraide in Ulster and overking of the Ulaid.

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Laidcenn mac Bairceda
Laidcenn mac Bairc(h)eda
(supp. fl. 5th century ?)
early Irish poet, said to be of the Dál nAraidi. Two early poems (beg. Énna, Labraid and Nidu dír dermait) belonging to the so-called rhyming ‘Leinster poems’ are ascribed to him.

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Suibne Geilt
Suibne Geilt
(supp. fl. 6th/7th century)
A king of Dál nAraide who figures most prominently in the tale Buile Shuibhne.

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Uí Echach Coba
Uí Echach Coba

Early Irish dynasty of the Cruithni, located roughly in the coterminous territory of Iveagh (Uí Echach), in what is now west Co. Down.

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